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10 Best philosophy now in the UK - Christmas 2024
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University of Wales PressKant's Critique of Practical Reason: A Philosophy of Freedom (Political Philosophy Now)
14% Off 2
University of Wales PressThe Ethics of Remote Warfare (Political Philosophy Now)
15% Off3
RoutledgeRichard Rorty (Philosophy Now)
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RoutledgeThomas Kuhn (Philosophy Now)
Free Shipping- Value for Money
University of Wales PressThe Postsecular Political Philosophy of Jurgen Habermas: Translating the Sacred (Political Philosophy Now)
30% Off 6
Philosophy NowThe Ultimate Guide to Ethics: from Philosophy Now (Ultimate Guides to Philosophy Book 1)
Wiley-BlackwellPhilosophy Then and Now: An Introductory Text with Readings
71% Off8
Truespeech ProductionsEternity Now
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Philosophy NowThe Ultimate Guide to Metaphysics: from Philosophy Now (Ultimate Guides to Philosophy Book 2)
Leaping Hare PressMindfulness and the Big Questions: Philosophy for now (Mindfulness series)
64% Off