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10 Best politics philosophy social sciences in the UK
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OUP USAThe Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Social Science: M C (Oxford Handbooks)
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RoutledgeThe History and Philosophy of Social Science
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Red Globe PressNew Philosophies of Social Science: Realism, Hermeneutics and Critical Theory: 1 (Theoretical Traditions in the Social Sciences)
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Bloomsbury AcademicPhilosophy of Social Science: The Philosophical Foundations of Social Thought (Traditions in Social Theory)
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Princeton University PressPhilosophy, Politics, and Economics: An Introduction: 0
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OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESSConversations in Philosophy, Law, and Politics
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Princeton University PressPhilosophy and Real Politics
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Independently publishedGendered Politics of Veganism: 1 (Social Sciences)
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Peter LangThe Post-communist Cleavage.: Social Bases of Politics in Poland after 1989: 12 (Warsaw Studies in Philosophy and Social Sciences)
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Verso BooksA Social History of Analytic Philosophy: How Politics Has Shaped an Apolitical Philosophy
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