Selecting a New Laptop for Work or School

With so many of us working from home, laptops are becoming one of the essential tools for workers and school children today. Purchasing a new laptop is certainly not a cheap investment, which is why we encourage you to think long and hard before making your next purchase. Whether you are looking to upgrade your current model or have never owned a laptop before, keep reading as we share with you everything you need to know about purchasing a new laptop.
Mac vs Windows vs Chrome
The first consideration for laptop users is whether you are going to use Mac, Chrome, or Windows. For many people, this decision is made for them by their workplace, which may rely on one system or another. While you can certainly use the opposite of your workplace, you may find this to be an annoyance in the end. We personally love MacBook’s but understand they are a costly purchase, especially if you are looking at a MacBook Pro. On the other hand, for school children or your first laptop, you’ll find laptops that use Windows will be much more affordable and are a good starter device. Mac vs Windows is a huge discussion that causes a lot of conflict between users, so it’s up to you to decide what the best solution is for your needs.
Screen Size
Next up, we encourage you to consider the screen size you are looking for. You’ll want to think about whether your laptop will be your main working device to work on every day or if it’s just something you’ll use when you are travelling. If you travel regularly, you’ll want to find a smaller sized option or one that can easily fit into a bag. Consider the size of the case you’ll need, and then you’ll have no issues fitting it into your carry-on bag when you are travelling. Screen size may depend on the type of tasks you are planning to use your laptop for, and this is another decision that will be a very personal one to consider.
Laptop Weight
You may be surprised by how heavy and light some laptops are. There are some really thin laptops which are extremely lightweight, so when you are carrying them in your backpack to and from work each day, you’ll find that you barely notice the laptop in your bag. The size of the laptop often impacts the weight, as well as the thickness of the laptop. All of these come together to create a more portable solution, and you’ll find that a lightweight laptop is often worth paying a little extra for if you are a keen traveller or have a long commute to work each day.
The Design of the Laptop
When comparing laptops, you’ll notice a massive difference in the quality of the touchpad and keypad between devices. If you are using your laptop every day, test out these two items to ensure they are comfortable to use. While you can, of course, add on a keyboard or mouse separately, this isn’t something that everyone wants to do when they are spending a fortune on a laptop. You’ll want to find one that is ergonomically friendly to use and doesn’t cause any strain on your hands if you are typing all day long.
The screen of your laptop involves looking at so much more than just the size of the screen. You’ll also want to consider the resolution of your screen. If you are just using your laptop to use very basic software solutions, this might not bother you at all, however, if you are watching videos or editing on the device, this may be a bigger concern. It’s all about considering what you need the new laptop for and then choosing a model based on your preferences.
Laptop Specs
Finally, the laptop specs will make or break your experience, especially if you are looking for a more powerful device for your work or hobbies. Look at the processor, to begin with, as this will determine the power and speed of your device. From there, you’ll want to consider the memory of your new laptop. This can impact your experience using the device over time, as it may start to slow down or lack memory to download tools you need in the future. Finally, consider if there is a graphics chip, which is important for gamers or anyone doing any form of designing on a laptop. If you are only looking for a basic device, these may not be so important to consider, but this will be up to your personal preferences.
As you can see, there’s so much to consider when purchasing a new laptop. On top of all of these considerations, you’ll also need to think about your budget. There’s no denying that a laptop is something you may want to save up for, and we encourage you not to make this purchase in a rush. Look out for good discounts and sales on laptops at certain times of the year, which might help to save you a fortune in the process. You’ll find that your new laptop will become something that you use almost every day, so make sure you take the time to find the perfect option for your needs.