How Is Different Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Models Different?

Donatella Assunta

Robotic vacuum cleaners, sometimes referred to as an ecovacs robot or a Robovac as a more generic term, is a self-contained robotic vacuum cleaning machine that has an adjustable vacuum head, sensors, and robotic motors with programmable controls and automated cleaning routines. These devices are capable of efficient debris removal and control and most models can clean up to twice the volume of a regular hand vacuum cleaners. They also have the ability to detect small particles on hard floors and carpet without damaging them. Some robot vacuum cleaners also feature a dust bin that collects all the dust in one location for easy cleaning and disposal. This makes it perfect for people who use their vacuum cleaners frequently but do not want to disturb their vacuuming to empty the dustbin.

Because of the tremendous increase in the popularity of robotic vacuums there has been an abundance of imitation brands released into the market place. Which brand to buy really depends on your specific needs. I will discuss three types of robot vacuums that I believe are the best robot vacuums on the market today. Each brand has pros and cons, but in my opinion they represent the top three robot vacuums available on the market. Let's look at these three types of vacuums.

The first type of robotic vacuums I will introduce is the Neato Robotics N.V. R.I.P. Extreme Pro V Espresso Robotic Vacuum. This vacuum is specifically designed to pick up pet hair and crumbs off of hard wood, tile, and other hard floor surfaces.

The Neato Robotics N.V.R. R.I.P. Extreme Pro Vacuum is extremely versatile. It can be used to clean upholstery (cleaner room) or it can be used to clean carpets and floors. If you have a hard floor like a stone, ceramic tile, cement, or vinyl floors this may be the vacuum for you.

The second type of robotic vacuum cleaners that I am going to introduce is the iRobot Roomba Mapping Phone. This vacuum is the all in one robotic vacuum cleaner and mapping device. It has several powerful motors on each side of its head to give it the ability to roam the room and pick up pet hairs and crumbs. It also has two sensors in its head so it can autonomously move around corners and under furniture. It even has the capability to map the room and then navigate itself to the area you want to clean without you having to do anything.

One of the most amazing features of this robot is that it has four onboard sensors and uses onboard mapping technology. That means when you hold the robo robot's headlamp to a place in the room where you want to clean, it can map the room and then navigate itself to where you need to clean. Then, it will vacuum up the dirt and grime by using its brush and powerful suction. You simply put it in the right spot, wait a few seconds, and then release the robotic vacuum cleaning machine to totally clean your floors.

For the last part of this article, I would like to introduce you to the third type of robot vacuum cleaner called the iRobot Floor Buffer. This robot vacuum cleaner can actually be used to both clean and sanitize your floors. What it does is that it has four robotic arms that are used to pick up and then drop off small particles such as dry dust, dirt, and fingerprints. It does not have an upper body and thus cannot break any glass or other hard surface but it can sure clean upholstery very well.

All these three robots have very similar technologies. However, the real difference between them is the technology with which they use to clean. A robot vacuum cleaner will make use of the sensors found in your house while the iRobot Floor Buffer will make use of the same sensors found in commercial cleaning machines. What it does is that it will combine all these sensors together into a single device. Thus, you should know that the robots will also have a similar size and shape as each other and as such will look similar to each other.