A Good Double Electric Breast Pump

Donatella Assunta

One of the most popular and versatile breast pumps is the electric breast pump. Generally speaking, electric pumps fall into two groups; manual electric breast pump and electric-powered pumps. Manual electric breast pump is the first kind of electric pump that provides suckling of the breast by sucking the milk out through the nipple. Most manuals work via the pressure of the arm, while others are made to be used while you are sitting or laying down on your back.

The electric breast pump can be classified into two more groups; hospital-grade pump and universal electric pump. A hospital-grade pump has additional features, like auto shut off, quiet operation, stainless steel construction and insulation, disposable diapers and hood. They are perfect for hospital or home use. On the other hand, universal electric breast pump is an ordinary electric breast pump that is widely available in the market. Universal electric breast pump has three major parts: electric motor, battery and electric breast pump tubing.

Electric breast pump is a good option for those who do not want to experience sucksling like babies. It allows you to breastfeed your baby even if you are sick. Moreover, you can make your baby feed on demand, so it is less expensive than any type of automatic pump. You can buy this electric breast pump in many stores at a reasonable price.

Many electric breast pumps are known for their quiet operation. Some of them are also designed with auto shut off feature to ensure low energy consumption. Also, it helps you save energy and money. There are many electric breast pumps that have spill-proof caps, leak resistant cap, prevent leakage and have ergonomic handle and body.

In using an electric breast pump, you can save money as well as time. You will not have to wait for your milk to collect in a bottle anymore. With an electric pump, you can give your baby the maximum amount of milk in less time. Moreover, you can give more milk with less time and effort.

Another advantage of this breast pump is its portability. You can bring it anywhere. Moreover, it has a lightweight which makes it more portable. It is easy to carry and small enough to be transported in the car, stroller or purse. Portability and affordability can be considered as two sides of one cup.

It has safety features that make it most ideal to use at the home. You can be sure that your baby will receive the adequate milk supply with your hands-free. Invented in 1960, the hands-free technology makes it very convenient to use. In some countries, it already replaced baby bottle feeding system.

It is very useful to mothers because it saves time and effort. Unlike with manual pumps, it doesn't interrupt the flow of milk. Thus, it can save your time when you need to go and buy another bottle of the same size. It saves energy unlike with manual pumps where your electric breast pump occasionally stops working. Hence, it can be considered as your best friend at home, office or anywhere you go where you need to carry your baby.

This electric breast pump comes with two types of pumping session: open and closed system. It operates with the help of battery and AC power supply. In a closed system, the tubing and electric motor are enclosed inside a plastic case. On the other hand, in an open system the tubing and electric motor are exposed outside the plastic case. The advantage of this is that the pump will not get rusted in open system which reduces the risk of damage and leaking. In a closed system, it is recommended to have two sets of batteries so that you may change them if you run out of the current.

Compared to other pumps, the Szebald electric breast pump has been designed for professional-like suction. The suction is firm yet gentle so it will not damage your baby's skin. The Szebald assures you of quality and safety, it comes with five years of limited manufacturer warranty. It also has safety options like battery-pack-only, quiet auto and quiet ring.

Convenience is one good reason why you should get this double breast pump. You can easily carry it anywhere you go especially in the mall. This makes you ready for any kind of situation where you need to express milk. Also, you can keep it in your bag while you go to the park or anywhere else you want to bring your baby. These days, you can find different brands of these pumps like SeneGence, Medela, Lactaid and Colgate and other more brands but you can also try Szebeald baby products because it is very much suitable for new mothers.